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Q: What is the fear of politicians known as? A: PoliticophobiaQ: Phallophobia is a fear of what? A: PenisQ: What is the fear of light flashes known as? A: SelaphobiaQ: Selaphobia is the fear of what? A: Light flashesQ: Scoleciphobia is the fear of what? A: WormsQ: What is the fear of contamination and germs known as? A: MysophobiaQ: What is the fear of learning known as? A: SophophobiaQ: Sophophobia is the fear of what? A: LearningQ: What is a strong aversion to beards known as? A: PogonophobiaQ: What is the fear of beards called? A: PogonophobiaQ: Pogonophobia is the fear of what? A: BeardsQ: What is a person with numerophobia afraid of? A: Numbers or mathematicsQ: What is the fear of numbers known as? A: Numerophobia