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Round 1

Question Number Question Answer
1. What did Yankee Doodle stick in his hat? Feather
2. Baku is the capital of which country? Azerbaijan
3. What TV show featured the fictional band "The Be Sharps"? The Simpsons
4. Which US President served the shortest term in office? William Henry Harrison
5. What optical component is named for the bean whose shape it resembles? Lens
6. Spotted dick is a traditional British confection of boiled suet pudding with what? Raisins
7. What movie western earned Gene Hackman his second acting Oscar? Unforgiven
8. What nationality is tennis player Novak Djokovic? Serbian
9. What children's toy started out as wallpaper cleaner? Play-Doh
10. Mt. Everest is located on the border of the Chinese region of Tibet and what other country? Nepal
Tie Breaker In soccer, how many yellow cards lead to a player's disqualification? Two

Round 2

Question Number Question Answer
1. Who wrote the novel "Of Mice and Men"? John Steinbeck
2. What is the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean? Milwaukee Deep
3. Virginia McMath became famous as which actress? Ginger Rogers
4. What Spanish explorer is credited with discovering the Mississippi River? Hernando De Soto
5. What material are fingernails made of? Keratin
6. What is the Syrah grape called in Australia? Shiraz
7. Which very successful pop duo consist of Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith? Tears for Fears
8. In 1986 what American-born cyclist won his first Tour de France? Greg LeMond
9. What is a peanut if it is not a pea or a nut? Legume
10. What is the capital of Michigan? Lansing
Tie Breaker What citrus ­flavored soft drink was introduced by Coca-Cola in 1979 to compete with Pepsi's Mountain Dew? Mello Yello

Round 3

Question Number Question Answer
1. Who met Cyclops on his third voyage? Sinbad
2. What nation's legislative body is named the Diet? Japan
3. What rock band is led by Michael Stripe? R.E.M.
4. Portia Simpson-Miller was the leader of what country? Jamaica
5. What is the syrup drained from raw sugar? Molasses
6. What businessman served as manager of the Atlanta Braves for one game in 1977? Ted Turner
7. What former politician succeeded Judge Joseph Wapner on "The People's Court" in 1997? Ed Koch
8. What team did the Green Bay Packers defeat in Super Bowl II? Oakland Raiders
9. What is measured in Newtons? Force
10. Which ocean does the Congo River empty into? Atlantic Ocean
Tie Breaker Emmental cheese originated in what country? Switzerland