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Round 1

Question Number Question Answer
1. Kandor is the former capital city of what fictional planet? Krypton
2. What major river runs through St. Petersburg? Neva
3. "Mayberry RFD" was a spin-off from what other TV series? The Andy Griffith Show
4. Who ruled France during the Franco-Prussian War? Napoleon III
5. Bronze is an alloy of what two metals? Tin and copper
6. What non-alcoholic syrup is made from pomegranate juice? Grenadine
7. Which band member of The Who died of drug overdose? Keith Moon
8. What is a coronet? A small, or simple crown
9. Gastroenteritis is the inflammation of what? Gastrointestinal tract
10. The city of Philadelphia is located in which US state? Pennsylvania
Tie Breaker In which country was the Michelin tire company founded in 1889? France

Round 2

Question Number Question Answer
1. What Stephen King novel features an evil clown named Pennywise? It
2. What two countries have square flags? Switzerland and Vatican City
3. Who directed and starred in the 1973 movie "High Plains Drifter"? Clint Eastwood
4. In 1947, US telephone companies began using what? Area codes
5. What is the curved line between any two points on a circle? An arc
6. What is the Italian name for squid in a restaurant?  Calamari 
7. Which Californian national park shares its name with a U2 album? Joshua Tree National Park
8. What is a Gopak? A Ukrainian dance
9. What treat takes its name from a drink the Aztecs called Xocoatl? Chocolate
10. What is the capital of Slovakia? Bratislava
Tie Breaker What vegetable is found in dishes served "Florentine" style? Spinach

Round 3

Question Number Question Answer
1. Who's the palindromic protagonist of Dickens' "Great Expectations"? Pip
2. Roseau is the capital of which country? Dominica
3. What animated trio is made up of Master Shake, Frylock, and Meatwad? Aqua Teen Hunger Force
4. What US state is represented by the figures of John Stark and Daniel Webster in the Capitol's Statuary Hall? New Hampshire
5. What is the study of human behaviour and mind called? Psychology
6. What four-letter word describes an arena for public roller-skating? Rink
7. For what 1995 movie did Kevin Spacey win a Best Supporting Actor Oscar? The Usual Suspects
8. What organization for people with high IQs has a name meaning "mind" in Latin? Mensa
9. Most people breathe through one nostril at a time - True or False? True, over 85% of people breather through only one nostril at a time
10. What city is overlooked by a large statue named "Christ the Redeemer"? Rio de Janeiro
Tie Breaker In 1982, who began selling spaghetti sauce, turning over all profits to charity? Paul Newman