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Q: Who directed the movie "The Godfather"? A: Francis Ford CoppolaQ: Which famous director is the daughter of Francis Ford Coppola? A: Sophia CoppolaQ: Who directed the movie "Apocalypse Now"? A: Francis Ford CoppolaQ: Who directed the film "2001: A Space Odyssey"? A: Stanley KubrikQ: Who directed the film "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? A: Steven SpielbergQ: Who wrote and directed the film "American Graffiti"? A: George LucasQ: Who directed the film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"? A: Steven SpielbergQ: Who directed the 1995 film "Boys on the Side"? A: Herbert RossQ: What year was Davind Cronenberg's film "The Fly" released? A: 1986Q: Who directed the 1986 film "The Fly"? A: David CronenbergQ: Who directed the 1974 film "Chinatown" starring Jack Nicholson? A: Roman PolanskiQ: Roman Polanski directed which 1974 film starring Jack Nicholson? A: ChinatownQ: Who directed the 1941 film "Citizen Kane"? A: Orson WellesQ: In which US state is George A. Romero's 1968 film "Night of the Living Dead" set? A: PennsylvaniaQ: Who directed the 1999 film "American Beauty"? A: Sam MendesQ: Who directed the 1972 film "The Godfather"? A: Francis Ford CoppolaQ: Who directed the 1999 film "Office Space"? A: Mike JudgeQ: What cartoon by Mike Judge is the 1999 film "Office Space" based on? A: Milton
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