The Random Trivia Generator

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Found in Arts & Literature:

Found in Geography:

Q: Which country is the largest in the World?     A: Russia
Q: What is the former name of Istanbul?     A: Constantinople
Q: What is the most sacred river of India?     A: The Ganges
Q: Where is the Abominable Snowman said to wander?     A: The Himalayas
Q: What is the smallest independent country in Asia?     A: Maldives
Q: The Gobi Desert lies within which two countries?     A: China and Mongolia
Q: Which is the Earth's largest continent?     A: Asia
Q: Jakarta is located on which Indonesian island?     A: Java

Found in Entertainment:

Found in History:

Found in Science & Nature:

Found in Miscellaneous:

Q: What does Seoul, the South Korean capital mean in the Korean language?     A: The Capital

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