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Found in Science & Nature:
Q: What do peacocks mate with? A: PeahensQ: What do dragonflies eat? A: MosquitoesQ: How many wings does a bee have? A: FourQ: Do sea gulls drink sea water? A: YesQ: What do you call an animal that eats both plants and animals? A: An OmnivoreQ: What is the only insect that can turn its head like humans can? A: Praying mantisQ: What gland do all mammals have in common? A: MammaryQ: Secretary birds are native to which continent? A: AfricaQ: What bird is referred to as "windhover" in some areas? A: KestrelQ: What is in the Red Data List? A: Threatened SpeciesQ: What are catfish missing that many other fish have? A: ScalesQ: What color does a chameleon turn when its trying to warm up? A: BlackQ: What is a male goose called? A: GanderQ: Of what do earthworms have five? A: Blood vesselsQ: What are pouched animals called? A: MarsupialsQ: What is a community of ants called? A: ColonyQ: What bird lays an egg that is roughly a quarter of its body weight? A: The KiwiQ: What is a group of deer called? A: A HerdQ: What animal is a Chester White? A: A pigQ: What are juvenile goats called? A: Kids
Found in Miscellaneous:
Q: What is in the Red Data List? A: Threatened SpeciesQ: Greek Feta cheese is typically made from the milk of which animal? A: Sheep